Become a Business Friend

Cúirt Business Friends benefits include:

  • Advert in Festival Brochure 
  • Tickets to the event of your choice during the festival week
  • Logo inclusion in Cúirt programme both print and digital
  • Listed on the Cúirt website (including link to your company website)
  • Invite to the Cúirt Programme Launch, and Cúirt Festival Week Launch
  • Included in content across all Social Media Channels
  • Reach potential new customers by promoting your company name to more than 5,000 event attendees, as well as to hundreds of visitors who frequent the event webpage.

Become a Business Friend today online or by contacting Manuela at

Become a Business Friend Online

Sponsorship Opportunities 

Cúirt International Festival of Literature has enjoyed many successful corporate parnerships over the years which has helped develop brand awareness and customer loyalty for our sponsors.  Partnering with Cúirt can help your organisation reach a new, loyal and diverse audience of readers, writers and creative thinkers and to grow your brand in both domestic and international markets.

Become a Sponsor or Major Sponsor with opportunities including:

  • Author Event Sponsorship
  • Venue Sponsorship
  • Hospitality Sponsorship
  • Sponsorship of our community and education work

Contact to receive our Sponsorship Overview and find out more about what Cúirt International Festival of Literature  can do for your organisation.

We can offer you high profile association with the world’s most renowned writers and thinkers, exposure to a diverse local and global audience, and exclusive promotional opportunities.